- 2025. Noah Durst. “Mapping Manufactured Housing” (in the USA). This Report and website maps the locations of manufactured home parks and informal/manufactured home subdivisions is now live. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/99aadbff0c474b42a72f42864e5da87b Further details
- 2024. Ariadna Reyes, Bjørn Sletto, Camilo Alberto Caudillo Cos. “I built it with my own hands:” A method to assess heterogeneity of housing quality in consolidated informal settlements. ABSTRACT
Pre-publication version. Published in Cities
- 2024. Sergi Vidal, Ignacio Cabib, Francisca Bogolasky and Riccardo Valente. “Socio-spatial trajectories and health disparities among older adults in Chile. Health and Place 89. 2024. Click on Abstract/Resumen and use url to publication ABSTRACT/RESUMEN https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1353829224001527?via%3Dihub
- 2024. Ariadna Reyes, Josh Newton, Camilo Caudillo , and Subham Kharel, An Index to Identify and Classify the Spectrum of U.S. Peri-Urban Informal Subdivisions, Journal of Planning Education and Research 1–12, Open Access, https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X241294232 for link or PDF download. ABSTRACT
- 2023. Angélica Camargo Sierra. Nuevos habitantes en antiguas periferias urbanas: movilidad residencial y cambiosurbanos en la zona del Restrepo en Bogotá . ABSTRACT/RESUMEN. Territorios 48 / Bogotá, 2023, pp. 1-28. https://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/territorios/article/view/12343 https://www.lahn.utexas.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Reyes-Sletto-Caudillo-2023-Pre-print-CITIES.pdf
- 2021 Kristine Stiphany, Peter M. Ward, and Leticia Palazzi Perez. Informal settlement upgrading and the rise of rental housing in São Paulo, Brazil. (Final Review), Journal of Planning Education and Research. Abstract. Pre-print
- 2021 Kristine Stiphany. Infrastructural insurgency: Constructing situated data at Brazil’s urban periphery. plaNext – next generation planning. 11: 125-143. DOI: 10.24306/plnxt/75. Abstract and Paper in English. Abstract and Paper in Portuguese.
- 2021. Awais Azhar, Holly Buttrey and Peter M. Ward. “Slumification” of Consolidated Informal Settlements: A Largely Unseen Challenge. Current Urban Studies, Vol 9, 315-342 Open Access at https://doi.org/10.4236/cus.2021.93020. Abstract. PDF of Paper.
- 2021. Angélica Camargo Sierra & Alex Smith Araque Solano. ABSTRACT and link to paper. Movilidad residencial y social en barrios populares consolidados en Bogotá. (Residential and social mobility in consolidated popular neighborhoods in Bogotá). urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, v.13,
- 2021. Raquel Ludermir. HOUSING FOR SURVIVAL: INSECURITY OF TENURE, PROPERTY LOSS AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN RECIFE, BRAZIL. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Pernambuco. Supervisor Dr. Flavio de Souza (Leader of the Brazil team) Abstract and Link to the full PDF
- 2021. Peter M. Ward, Andrea Sandoval, Alfonso Rojas and Melannie Ruiz. “THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN THE DWELLING ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH AND WELLBEING IN IMPOVERISHED RURAL PUEBLOS OF PUEBLA STATE, MEXICO”. Journal of Rural Studies, 84. 192-210. Open Access. Abstract and Link to Free PDF. Copy of the PDF.
- 2020. Aabiya Baqai and Peter M. Ward, “Renting and sharing in low-income settlements: research lacunae and policy challlenges”, published in Current Urban Studies. Contains abstract and link to publication (Open Access). PDF of Article at CUS.
- 2020. Maria Mercedes Di Virgilio. “The role of residential context and public policies in the production of urban inequalities”. Pre-Print of a chapter published in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Urban and Regional Studies, Edited by Anthony Orum, Serena Vicari, and Javier Ruiz-Tagle, published by Wiley in 2020. Abstract and Full PDF preprint
- 2020. María Mercedes Di Virgilio y Mercedes Najman. “Espacio de vida y tiempo de vida El enfoque biográfico aplicado a la indagación de procesos urbanos”, Abstract. Full PDF.
- 2020. Angélica Patricia Camargo Sierra. VIVIENDA Y ESTRATEGIAS FAMILIARES DE VIDA EN BARRIOS POPULARES CONSOLIDADOS EN BOGOTÁ (HOUSING AND FAMILY LIFE STRATEGIES IN POPULAR NEIGHBORHOODS IN BOGOTÁ). Revista INVI, 35(98), 101-125. Abstracts in English and Spanish and PDF doi:10.4067/S0718-83582020000100101 (Open Access)
- 2020. Felipe Antequera et al. Renting and Sharing in Latin America and the Caribbean Working Paper, LBJ School of Public Affairs.
- 2015. Peter M. Ward; Edith R. Jiménez and Mercedes Di Virgilio. “Housing Policy in Latin American Cities: A New Generation of Strategies and Approaches for 2016 UN-Habitat III”. New York: Routledge, Research in Urban Politics and Policy Series. For individual city chapters, see each of the LAHN Cities section. Click here for Introduction & Overview (Ch1), Methodology (Ch2), Renting (Ch12), Concluding chapter (Ch13), and Appendices & Bibliography (for all chapters of the volume).
- 2015. Peter M. Ward. “Housing rehab for consolidated informal settlements: A new policy agenda for 2016 UN-Habitat III”, Habitat International, 50, 373-384. Click here for a pre-publication version.
- 2015. Peek, Olga. Living between desires and possibilities: Re-visiting and re-envisioning the self-help house in the ‘consolidated’ low-income settlements of Lima, Peru. In Urban Opportunities: Perspectives on Climate Change, Resilience, Inclusion, and the Informal Economy edited by Allison M. Garland, Washington DC, Woodrow Wilson Center: pp. 115-139. (Full Text)
- 2014. “Intensive Case Study Methodology for the Analysis of Self-Help Housing Consolidation, Household Organization and Family Mobility”. Peter M. Ward, Edith Jimenez and Mercedes di Virgilio. (Full Text)
- 2014. “Reflexiones en torno a la integralidad de las intervenciones públicas en el territorio”. María Mercedes Di Virgilio, Tomas Guevara y María Soledad Arqueros Mejica. En Walter, J. y Pando, D. (Comps.) Planificación Estratégica. Nuevos enfoques y desafíos en el ámbito público. Buenos Aires: Aurelia Rivera, Grupo Editorial Buenos Aires/ SAAP/ Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones América Latina-Europa, UDESA. (Full Text)
- 2013. “Efectos de inclusión/exclusión: políticas y procesos de regularización en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA)”. Carla Rodríguez y María Mercedes Di Virgilio. En Hábitat popular e Inclusión social. Quito: FLACSO Ecuador/ CLACSO. (Full Text)
- 2013. Peek, Olga. (2013). Living between desires and possibilities: Re-visiting and re-envisioning the self-help house in the ‘consolidated’ low-income settlements of Lima, Peru. Master’s thesis. KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Programme of Human Settlements, Leuven, Belgium. www.mahsmausp.be (Full Text)
- 2012. Chapter ?El regreso a la irregularidad de las colonias populares. Títulos de propiedad y sucesión? by Edith Jiménez. Heriberto Cruz and Claudia Ubaldo. From Irregular: Suelo y Mercado en América Latina. Edited by Clara Salazar. El Colegio de México. (Full Text)
- 2012. Latin American Research Review, Vol. 47, Special Issue, pp.139-162. Erika D. Grajeda and Peter Ward. “Inheritance and succession in informal settlements of Latin American cities: A Mexican Case Study.” (Full Text)
- Brochure in Spanish Describing Title Registration and Process of Transfer & Inheritance. Provided by Dr. Edith Jimenez. Click here for the picture.
- 2011, Esther Sullivan and Peter M. Ward, “Sustainable Housing Applications and Policies for Low-income Self-Build and Housing Rehab,” This paper appeared in Habitat International. A full copy of the report and study from which it derives is located elsewhere on the LAHN website “Texas Colonias” button. (Full Text)
- 2011. Final Report. This report was prepared by graduate students for discussion at the ninth regional research meeting of the Latin American Housing Project:”The Rehabilitation of Consolidated Irregular Settlements in Latin American Cities: Towards a ‘Third Generation’ of Public Policy Analysis and Development”. The meeting was held in Austin in early May 2011, and was designed to be the first meeting to specifically explore the policy implications of the nine country (thirteen-city) study that has been underway by Latin American researchers since 2007, and which is anchored at UT-Austin (see www.lahn/utexas.org). The report seeks to provide a platform that will offer members of the LAHN network and other researchers an opportunity and baseline materials with which to think creatively about policy approaches that will promote urban regeneration and housing rehab of now often deteriorated working class barrios that were created informally thirty or more years ago. Report. (Full Text)
- 2011. Best Practices Report. This interim report was prepared by graduate students as input for a baseline document prepared for discussion at the ninth regional research meeting of the Latin American Housing Project: “The Rehabilitation of Consolidated Irregular Settlements in Latin American Cities: Towards a ‘Third Generation’ of Public Policy Analysis and Development”. The meeting was held in Austin in early May 2011, and was designed to be the first meeting to specifically explore the policy implications of the nine country (thirteen-city) study that has been underway by Latin American researchers since 2007, and which is anchored at UT-Austin (see www.lahn/utexas.org). Report. (Full Text)
- 2011, Peter M. Ward, “A Patrimony for the Children”: Low-Income Homeownership and Housing (im)Mobility in Latin American Cities,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers. (Full Text)
- 2011, Peter M. Ward, Edith Jiménez, Erika Grajeda and Claudia Ubaldo Velázquez (Ward et al). “Self-help Housing Policies for Second Generation Inheritance and Succession of “The House that Mum & Dad Built,” Habitat International, 35, 7, 467-485. (Full Text)
- 2011, Peter M. Ward, in collaboration with Flavio de Souza, Ceclia Giusti & Jane Larson. “El Título en la Mano: The Impact of Titling Programs Upon Low Income Housing in Texas Colonias,” Law and Social Inquiry, 36, 1, 1-82. (Full Text)
This section of the LAHN website contains publications and working papers prepared by the project teams. In addition please see the City and Extension pages for publications pertaining to that city or research group. In all cases, authors welcome comments on work that is already published or accepted for publication, together with working papers that are ideas in progress. Citation of these materials should follow usual conventions and full reference to the publisher, place of publication etc., noting access through the LAHN website. If working papers state no citation without consultation with the authors, then contact the authors directly for further information.
All materials will be uploaded through the University of Texas host site. For further information please contact peter.ward@austin.utexas.edu noting Network Publications in the subject line.
Información de acceso público:
Esta sección contiene documentos de trabajo publicados o que han sido aceptados para su publicación. Así mismo encontrara documentos de trabajo que se hacen públicos con el objetivo de recibir sus comentarios. En caso de hacer uso de estos documentos, estos deberán ser adecuadamente citados siguiendo las convenciones usuales (por ejemplo, citando las referencias completas del editor, lugar de publicación, etc.) dando cuenta del acceso a los mismos a través de la página de LAHN. En el caso en que el documento explícitamente indiquen que no puede ser citado sin la autorización del/los autores, le pedimos que, para mayor información, contacte directamente a los autores del documento en cuestión.
- 2010, Rodrigo Millán Valdes. “Los efectos de la geografía de oportunidades sobre las preferencias de movilidad residencial al interior de barrios populares consolidados en Santiago de Chile (1990-2010).” (Full Text)
- 2007, Peter M. Ward, “Hacia una segunda etapa de la regularización de los títulos de propiedad en México y Colombia,” Articulo. (Full Text)
Click here for a pre-publication