Current Lectures / Current Series (April 2024)

Thursday April 25, 2024
Lecture by Dr. Newton Becker, GIS modeling for urban stormwater and flood risk management in Fortaleza and Belem, Brazil
Lecture by Dr. Gabriel Díaz Montemayor, Upstream/Bottom-up: Socio-Ecological Open Space Armatures in the US-Mexico Border Region
Thursday April 18, 2024
Lecture by Dr. Ariadna Reyes-Sánchez, Coping to Environmental Injustice: The case of a multiracial unincorporated community in North Texas
Lecture by Dr. Rosa Donoso, Regularización de barrios en Quito: Entre lo individual y lo colectivo
Thursday April 11, 2024
Lecture by Dr. Edna Ely-Ledesma: Latino Vendor Marktes: Hubs of Economic and Social Resilience and Lecture by Ms. Olga Peek: Counter-mapping for housing and environmental justice: Grassroots practices in response to informal settlement redevelopment and ‘green’ displacements. Please note that due to internet connectivity issues with Guayaquil on 4/11, Olga Peek’s lecture was later recorded and posted on the LAHN website so there is no Q&A. Please contact Olga directly with any comments or requests for further information.
Thursday April 4, 2024
Lecture by Dr. Kristine Stiphany: Adaptation and Resilience in Consolidated Settlements: The Potential and Peril of Rental Housing
Past Lectures / Previous Series 2023-24

Thursday November 16, 2023
Lecture by Dr. Angelica Camargo: Movilidad residencial y social de jóvenes adultos de barrios populares en Bogotá: estrategias intergeneracionales en medio de la incertidumbre
Lecture by Dr. Raquel Ludermir: The residential and patrimonial (property) trajectories of gender violence survivors in Recife
Thursday October 19, 2023
Lecture by Dra. Fernanda Rojas: “Expulsados: Los Efectos de Largo Plazo de las Políticas de Erradicación de Campamentos en Niñas y Niños”
Lecture by Dra. Francisca Bogolasky: “Percepciones y efectos de corto plazo de la movilidad residencial”
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Trayectorias residenciales intraurbanas: Recorrido conceptual y aplicaciones al análisis de casos en ciudades de América Latina, by Dra. Mercedes Di Virgilio, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires
2022-23 First Lecture Series: The Rise of Renting in Informal Settlements

Thursday, March 16, 2023:
Mercados del arriendo en Santiago de Chile. Desafíos para la política habitacional/Rental Markets in Santiago de Chle: Challengesfor Housing Policy, by Dr. Felipe Link Lazo, Associate Professor at Universidad Católica de Chile
Thursday, January 19, 2022:
New or not? Informal rental housing today in São Paulo, by Dr. Kristine Stiphany, Assistant Professor at the University at Buffalo – SUNY)
The rental market in Guadalajara’s consolidated settlements: Housing and policy opportunities, by Dr. Edith Jiménez Huerta, Professor at Universidad de Guadalajara
Thursday, December 15, 2022: The Rise of Rental Policies in São Paulo: Housing Financial Extractivism and Voucherization, by Dr. Paula Freire Santoro, Associate Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (introduced by Dr. Kristine Stiphany, Assistant Professor at the University at Buffalo – SUNY)